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"Composite Bamboo Masts [Archive] - The WoodenBoat Foru.M..url"
"Dual lateral rig.M.PS.jpg"
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"MetalMast Performance Mast Sections.M..url"
"R77 with Multiple Rotating Twin Wingmast by Mathis Rhl.PS.M..url"
"Scantling of mast and rigging of sail boats A few hints from a test case to develop improved design procedures _62_PRADS2010-2227_Rizzo.M.PS.pdf"
"Selecting Slugs, Slides and Shackles - Do-It-Yourself Advice Blog-.M.PS.url"
"Why should we care about a rotating mast- - Sail Wildling.M..url"
"Wire Rigging Vs. Synthetic Rigging Vs. Rod Rigging - The Rigging Company.M..url"